A mommy's quest to lose the baby weight, conquer cancer and run a 3:15 marathon withour losing her sanity.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I'll write more later but I just found that I am in remission. That's good news obviously. The race isn't over yet (still need to get the leg healed) but things are moving in the right direction.
After taking a few years off of running after college, I got back in racing form after my first child was born. My marathon debut was 3:27. I trained harder for the next one with a goal of 3:15. However, it wasn't in the cards and I ran another 3:27. I had baby #2 and was in the midst of training to capture that elusive 3:15 when I was diagnosed with cancer in my left femur bone - primary bone lymphoma.
That's great news! Congrats!
Yea! Just what everyone has been waiting to hear! Now . . . as soon as that leg heals, you'll be back to super-fast running!
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