Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Log: 2008.08.27

Activity: Biking
Time: 45:00


We locked our bikes to the bike rack on our car for the trip. And then we left the keys at home. And didn't realize it until we were at the beach. Oops. We called a locksmith who said those locks are impenetrable. (Hard for me to believe - what if we had lost the key? - would we have to drive around with the bikes for eternity?). So I called my neighbor back home who graciously overnighted the keys to the beach.

Since riding the bike turned into such an ordeal I had to relish this ride :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Log: 2008.08.26

Activity: Hiking
Time: 45:00

Activity: Running
Distance: 4.25 miles


Hike was in the AM over the dunes while carrying a baby. Walking through deep sand in the heat lugging a little one is a recipe for dead legs.

However, I forced my concrete legs out in the afternoon for:

1m warmup; 6x400m @ 7:08 w/ 200m walk recovery (1% incline); 1m cooldown

Much to my surprise it went well and I was able to complete the workout without trouble. I am so glad I didn't bag this workout even though I was tempted.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Log: 2008.08.25

Activity: Swimming
Time: 15:00

Activity: Core, Stretching
Time: 25:00

Our rental house is across the street from the resort fitness center which includes a large indoor pool (with lap lanes and a hot tub), a weight room, and a cardio center. They even have stability balls and medicine balls. Much better than usual vacation exercise fare...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Log: 2008.08.24

Activity: Running
Distance: 5 miles


I wanted to run 8 but my legs were completely dead and I struggled to finish 5. This is the first time I ran (for real) back to back days post-baby and that coupled with the long car ride led to a miserable run.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Log: 2008.08.23

Activity: Running
Distance: 4 miles (roughly 8:15 pace)


We're on our way to vacation! I am looking forward to a week of playing in the sand with the kids and getting a lot of training in.

I ran on the hotel treadmill today. It was really old and crappy and who know how accurate it was. At least I got some work done.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Log: 2008.08.19

Activity: Running
Distance: 5.5 miles


1m warmup; 3x1m (1% incline) @ 8:01, 7:47, 7:35; 1m cooldown

I hate mile repeats. Always have and always will. It didn't help my MP3 player ran out of batteries halfway through and I had to stare at the wall. I got through it and actually was able to ramp up the pace ( I was supposed to do 8:01s for all)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Log: 2008.08.16

Activity: Running
Time: 55:13
Distance: 6miles
Avg Pace: 9:12 (9:39,9:11,8:48,8:54,9:38,9:01)


Another family run. Felt pretty good and had to dial it back a few times.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Log: 2008.08.14

Activity: Running
Distance: 4.75 miles


.25 warmup; 4miles @ 8:31 pace (1% incline); .5mile cooldown

This tempo run felt pretty comfortable. Maybe it's time to rachet it up again?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Log: 2008.08.12

Activity: Running
Distance: 4.75miles


1m warmup; 4x800 @7:41 pace (1% incline) w/ .25m walk recovery; 1m cooldown

Based on Saturdays run I moved my goal HMP to 1:55. Thus, according to FIRST was to do these repeats @ 7:41 pace. When I first did the math 7:41 seemed crazy fast. And then I realized I used to be able to run 26 miles at this pace! 800m @7:41 didn't seem quite as crazy once I put it into perspective. (Nevertheless I was still pushing it to do 4 800's at that pace!)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Log: 2008.08.11

Activity: Core work w/ stability ball and stretching
Time: 20:00

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Log: 2008.08.10

Activity: Cycling
Time: 1:14:16
Distance: 15.54 miles
Avg Pace: 4:47


This was my first on my road bike in about a year. I felt good going out but slowed to a crawl on the way back. I did try out my new pedals and cycling shoes and found out I have been ccling knock kneeded all these years. Good to know.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Log: 2008.08.09

Activity: Running
Time: 45:31
Distance: 487 miles
Avg Pace: 9:21


The plan called for 8 miles but we opted for a family run and the kids weren't feeling it. Nevertheless, a nice run and the only struggling I felt was trying to hand out animal crackers and replace pacifers while running.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Log: 2008.08.07

Activity: Running
Distance: 5miles


1m warmup; 3m @ 8:57 pace (1% incline); 1m warmdown

My first threshold workout post-baby. I was totally dreading it. I hated them when I was in-shape and really hate them now. I struggled at first but finally found my rhythm halfway in. Unfortunately mommy duties called as soon as the run was over so I didn't ice or stretch like I should. And now I am feeling it.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Log: 2008.08.06

Activity: Cycling, Core w/ Stability Ball and stretching
Time: 30:00, 20:00


First time back on the bike since baby. The places I thought would hurt didn't and the places I didn't expect did. Go figure. I had no idea that you used your core so much sitting on a bike but my screaming abs are telling me loud and clear.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Log: 2008.08.05

Activity: Running
Distance: 2.5miles


.5m warmup; 4x400m @ 7:53 pace w/ 200m walk rest; remainder cool down

My first interval workout in about a year. I was both excited and apprehensive. Thankfully it was 400s which is my very favorite interval workout. Probably because I have fond memories of 90s quarters in high school (chasing a 12:00 3200) and 20x400m in college (chasing a sub 19 5K).

The workout went off without a hitch and it even felt a little easy.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Weight Update: 2008.08.04

Weight: 132 pounds
Body Fat: 31%

1 pound and 1% down from last week. Text book.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Log: 2008.08.03

Activity: Hiking
Time: 60:00


Nice hike on the Buckeye Trail with the fam. I carried the baby in the Bjorn so I'll count that as strength training. That bugger is growing like a weed.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Log: 2008.08.02

Activity: Running
Time: 59:34
Distance: 6 miles
Pace: 9:56
Splits: 10:19,10:04,9:56,9:45,10:03,9:29


Today was my first workout for my HM training. The plan called for 10:40 pace but I ditched that and ran on feeling. Basically I was looking to run a touch over comfortable. It was hard to get going but it fell together halfway through. I didn't mean to run the last mile that fast but it just happened.

Based on today's workout I am in 2:04 shape. I'll probably base my intervals on 2:00 pace to make it easy.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Log: 2008.08.01

Activity: Running/Walking, Core/stretching w/ stability ball
Time: 20:00, 15:00


I felt like garbage today and ended up canning the planned 40 minute run. I walked home with my tail between my knees.